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Wood 2006-11 Page 36

Good fence makes a better cyclone collector

After adding a garbage-can chip separator to my dust-collection system, I decided it would be easier to take the chips to the curb if I put a trash-can liner in the can. Oops! The first time I turned on the collector, it sucked the liner into the hose, rendering the system useless.
To remedy this situation, I fashioned a sleeve out of 2x4" welded fencing that fits inside the trash-can liner. I made mine an inch or so smaller in diameter than the bottom of the can to keep from damaging the liner as I insert the sleeve. When it comes time to empty the can, I lift the sleeve out, wiggling it from side to side. Then, I just pull out the bag, tie it up, and take it to the curb.
—John Rieger, Worthington, Ky.
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